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I adopted Scout from a shelter when I was right in the middle of nursing school. My friend happened to work at the shelter at that time so when I contacted her about wanting a dog, she immediately recommended Scout. I drove the hour down to meet her and right as I walked through the gate of the shelter, Scouty Girl ran up to me and immediately requested a belly rub. I knew in that moment that she was mine and I was hers. She chose me.

The next 9 years with her were a gift I never deserved. Through every breakup she was right there. Late studying for nursing school and graduate school, I would look to my side and there she was. Every duty station I moved to she was right there with her smile, helping me adjust to a new place. I would get home from work and I could always count on her to greet me with a tail wag and a toy. She walked me down the aisle during my wedding and stole the show. I could always call out to her and no matter where she was or what she was doing, she came. She was my first dog and I think she knew it. She was patient with me. She taught me how to be a better person, how to forgive and love unconditionally. I always felt safe with her around. She brought a smile to every person who met her and her smile could brighten any day. I may have rescued her from a shelter once, but she rescued me every day since.

We had to say goodbye to Scout yesterday Feb.14th 2019. The HSA she had was in her lungs and heart and there was nothing we could do. Her quality of life had dropped from running around and waking me up at 5 am with my alarm, to a nearly 20% body weight loss and trouble breathing in the span of weeks. I’m happy to see there is research being done on hemangiosarcoma. It’s brutal.

Till we meet again…. forever your mom, Kim

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