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Greetings Cera,

Shortly before this summer’s “ChaseawayK9Cancer” picnic you asked if the volunteers would jot down why they do what they do in the fight against canine cancer.

So….here goes….

We are blessed when the hardships of we experience in youth open the door to a soul companion who shares with us treasures beyond our imagination…
Simple treasures….not of silver or gold.
Paw prints in sandy soil.
A wagging tail sweeps away troubles of a work day.
The joy of reteiving the perfect fetching stick from twin lakes on a hot summer day.
The gentle nudge & a kiss or two that wipe away tears without a single spoken word.
 A quiet walk in autumn woods; the smell of acorns, the pursuit of a chattering gray squirrel as he runs up an old oak tree.
 Leaves of orange, red and yellow flying in the air from the kick of forward paws in 
 motion…in pursuit!
 Water droplets tossed higher & higher, to and fro – the joyous shake, the roll n’ roll!
 The backyard duck of cloth, the game of choice in depths of snow and birth of spring.
 Beautiful eyes that speak of peace and boundless love.

         God gave me a Dog….His name will always be “Ernie.”   

              Resurrection – Life – We are blessed.

When Ernie was diagnosed with cancer it took my breath away….silence, thoughts hung in limbo, tears welled up and slowly rolled from cheek to chin, then fell gently on the warm shiney fur that held two big brown eyes and a wet nose.

I reached way back to childhood memories of Sunday school in search of hope. A small necklace came to mind, a glass bead with a mustard seed encased.

Mathew 17:20. If you have faith as small as a mustard seed – you can say to this mountain “move from here to there” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.

The search was on….I needed to find Ernie a mustard seed. (Not easy in today’s world) For days we searched, in stores and on the internet. Then I found a mustard seed encased in glass strung on a yellow ribbon.

I tied the yellow ribbon on Ernie’s collar….hope….nurtured by faith.

In the nine months that followed, Ernie greeted his new friends at the clinic wearing his yellow ribbon, bright orange collar and sometimes an exceptionally bright bandana.

He was a troubadour of hope and laughter; opening doors of understanding and compassion for those in care.

Ernie’s mission, his gift to a life once embattled to empowered had come full circle.

Perhaps it was the open hand of blessings given and received.

In the resurrection of Ernie’s life…..the mountain had been moved!

Ernie planted a seed……we have mountain to move!

Thank you Cera,  your beloved “Chase”  and  pups for giving us a path to follow 
 in the fight against canine cancers.

Love ya,




You, Susan and all of your wonderful friends are so amazing and all the love you continue  to share to honor Ernie, Chase and every dog that all of us have lost to cancer.  I know my friend we are making a difference in our pets lives and I couldn’t be more proud of the way our pups still even though they have passed they continue to share their love for us.

love ya……Cera


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