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I’m Mariah’s Mom. I was battling a life threatening medical illness and in a wheelchair when I came across an organization that places Service Dogs with persons with disability & hearing impairments.  

I was improving and wanted to help those that couldn’t get out of their chair by raising and training a dog. She was my first charge. By helping her and the organization I helped myself. She didn’t graduate the program and get placed with someone else, but came back to live with me permanently and has helped many other people by being a Therapy Dog for autistic children, hospice care, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and children’s reading programs at public libraries.

Her work spanned 10 years of Service. Everything about my life and career changed because of her. My true “heart dog”. The cancer was a shock as there were no prior symptoms, just some blood work that revealed anemia. Which led to more testing, which then revealed a mass on her spleen,  and subsequent surgery which confirmed the HSA. Such an awful way for her to go when she gave nothing but pure love, joy & beauty to everything and everyone she touched.

Her favorite thing is chasing and retrieving green tennis balls. She would do this all day if I let her. Eating Frosty paws dog ice cream. And she had so many doggie friends..attended a lot of social gatherings. She received her CGC at 4 months old. Is also titled AKC Therapy Dog ….and was even cast in a movie! 🙂

There just isn’t enough that I can do or think of to honor her memory. So Thank you for allowing me to share this with you.




So many stories like Mariah’s, my heart goes out to Marianne as the days she has left with her girl are numbered.  Mariah you have been a treasure and have given your heart to so many, I hope you have peace when you pass and become the guardian Angel we all know that you are.      

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