Hundreds of dogs and their handlers gathered from October 12-14, 2007 in beautiful Rogers, MN for the 2007 DockDogs National Championships. Heather Ratynski, ACVIM Director of Marketing and Operations, had the pleasure to attend the championships and meet many of the DockDogs community who have been so supportive of Chase Away K9 Cancer over the past year. What she witnessed for three days was a joy to see: dogs and their people having a grand old time. If you’ve never seen a DockDogs event you need to check it out!
The DockDogs community is full of many warm and generous people, and this was demonstrated on Saturday night at their annual banquet and awards ceremony. Grant Reeves, CEO of DockDogs, invited Cera Reusser (the brainchild behind Chase Away K9 Cancer) to hold a silent auction at the banquet to benefit the ACVIM Foundation and to support canine cancer studies. The DockDogs community responded in droves-many people donated wonderful items for the auction and/or had winning bids on them at the banquet. Between the auction and individual donations over $10,000 was raised for Chase Away K9 Cancer! This event brought the grand total for Chase to over $100,000!!
The fact that most of this money has been raised and donated by individuals (often one dollar at a time) is what makes this campaign and its supporters so special.
We can’t wait to see what the 2008 DockDogs season brings and again, we thank everyone who attends these events and supports Chase Away K9 Cancer. You are the best and are truly an inspiration!